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Frequently Asked Questions

Finding the right security system for your home or business can be challenging. There are as many options, as there are solutions. CSI Security is here to make the decision process easier, by helping you find, and select the right security system, that creates a safe environment you expect.

Here are a few frequently asked questions to get you started, when you're ready, please call CSI Security at (613) 839-1274 for a FREE Consult.


CSI | Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long has CSI been in business?
  • What business experience does CSI have in the security business?

CSI was incorporated in October of 2006.

The owner of CSI got into the security business in 1980. He owned and operated Regional Protection Systems Inc. until 2002. He also was an owner and founder of Security 24 Monitoring Network Limited. Both of these companies were sold to multinational Security organizations.

CSI | Security systems

  • Will my security system work if the power goes off?
  • If I have an emergency, should I call CSI first?
  • Testing my security system, who is responsible?
  • What happens if I press the emergency buttons on my keypad?
  • I set my alarm off by accident. Do I need to call CSI?
  • If there is a problem with my security system and I cannot turn it off, can CSI turn it off from their office?

Yes, in case of a power loss, the back-up battery will activate to maintain your alarm protection for several hours. In the event your battery is low, a low battery signal will be sent to the CSI monitoring centre so you can be notified.

No, if you have an emergency, call 911 first. If you are unable to call 911, then depress the panic or fire alarm button on your touchpad, and CSI will request emergency services to be sent to you.

Yes, it is your responsibility to make sure that your system is in good working order. It's easy to test your system; just refer to your owner handbook. If you find that a part of your system is not working properly, call CSI and request a service call. Your system will send us an auto test signal every 24 hours to let us know it is sending signals, but a physical system test should be preformed once a week, by the customer to ensure it is working properly.

If you hold down the panic, fire or medical alarm buttons on the touchpad for 1 to 3 seconds, an alarm is transmitted to the CSI monitoring centre, and emergency services requested will be dispatched immediately. An alarm received in this manner cannot be cancelled. We will call the location to confirm one of these emergency requests have been dispatched, but each will be dispatched before we call the location to verify.

At CSI we try to prevent false alarms from happening. Each time you arm or disarm your system, we will receive a user activity signal. When you set off the alarm accidentally, we will receive an opening signal, but it is best for you to call us to confirm the false alarm.

No, your system is an independent unit and can only be turned off at your control touchpad.

CSI | About the Service

  • Does my warranty cover all service calls?
  • Can I get an extended warranty?
  • Are batteries covered under warranty?
  • False alarms, who pays for a false alarm?
  • Does my contract automatically renew?

Service calls are covered under warranty for the initial term of your agreement. After the initial term of your agreement has completed, each service call will be chargeable for parts and labour required to repair the system.

Yes, Extended Warranty Plans are available to all customers. This warranty will cover your system for all parts and labour due to ordinary wear and tear on the system for the term you choose. Your system must be monitored during any warranty period.

All batteries are covered for the first year. After the first year, all batteries are no longer covered under warranty.

False alarms are the customer’s responsibility. If the false alarm is caused by an equipment problem, call CSI to repair the zone or problem. The Municipality you live in will have their own Alarm By-Laws and will enforce them. False alarms responses will be invoiced to the home or business owner.

CSI will always call the location or call list on burglar alarm signals before we dispatch. You, the customer will make the decision if you want the Police sent.

Term: This Subscriber Agreement shall remain in force and effect for an initial term of month(s) from the contract date or installation date (whichever is later). After the initial term, this Agreement shall automatically renew yearly (for a minimum of twelve (12) months), unless cancelled by either party by giving notice in writing of at least 60 days prior to the end of the initial term or any later anniversary date.

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